Thursday, March 23, 2006

.."Tis isnt life that matters, Tis the courage you bring to it"..

* A lady writes -- part of the matrimonial stuff, that she liked the above lines at my email signature. No extensions no interpretations.

* Lucky she, caught me at a time, when i got bashed by my advisor, my strategy paid, though in a risky way, now i know, what exactly is the thought going in his mind..

* But then, tis a time to walk the tight rope, and sail too!

Billy Joel sings in Downeaster Alexa:

So I could own my Downeaster "Alexa"
And I go where the ocean is deep
There are giants out there in the canyons
And a good captain can't fall asleep

I've got bills to pay and children who need clothes
I know there's fish out there but where God only knows
They say these waters aren't what they used to be
But I've got people back on land who count on me

So if you see my Downeaster "Alexa"
And if you work with the rod and the reel
Tell my wife I am 'trolling Atlantis
And I still have my hands on the wheel

Now I drive my Downeaster "Alexa"
More and more miles from shore every year
Since they tell me I can't sell no stripers
And there's no luck in swordfishing here.

I was a bayman like my father was before
Can't make a living as a bayman anymore
There ain't much future for a man who works the sea
But there ain't no island left for islanders like me...

So, for islanders like me, another life, another sail, what shall you call your ship, Senor Chatterjee?

~Is that how, they drag you in, every time, pity you Senor? :)

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