Thursday, March 02, 2006

...Punjabis and Bengalis...

I believe, there is an uncanny and unexplainable similarity between these two states and its people, speaking here in the Indian context.

The recent movie - Rang De Basanti created some flutters -- but hey, hold on, long back did not tagore write something similar in his song 'Rangiye diye jaao jaao..'

Let me marvel at this connection as they dawn in my personal life too -- here some instances.

a. My roomie, my advisor, is from Punjab. I am offlate starting to like my advisor.
b. Meeting punjabi people around, and they liking me, me liking them too.
c. In nagpur, india, Monty Singh Panesar, makes his debut for England and this article catches my heart, in bengali though.
d. I had been intrigued by Bhajji and Yuvi chemistry with Sourav.
e. Really admire, PM Manmohan Singh.
f. And to end, here you go with a nice limerick, that Vik, my another Punju friend passed me on today...
g. And yes, one of the nicest women i have seen in life, composed, beautiful, aware of herself, is a Punjabi woman in my stint in Times of India..Ms MD. She might have become a Mrs by now though! :)

This quick one, in a day of frequent posting, to the Punju-Bong combination.

Sharif hondi hai khoti,
Inha Whadda lendi
Fer whi Chup raundi

Decent are those a!@#s,
They take in all the big ones,
Yet stay silent all the time!

Ahem, slightly obscene, apologise, it captures many things virtuous too about Bengali and Punjabi women...

~chakdefatte, apologise for the luridity in the above limerick...

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