Wednesday, March 01, 2006 & Salsa..., here is a piece of news! If not to anybody, but to myself surely. I am going to learn shall be the LA style on the first beat, level 1, offered by the univ's grad student association, and am going to lead. Details in the mail extracts below!

May god bless my gaunt and awkward, yet suddenly dance-craving soul! :) The above pic shall be changed soon, too!


Learn to dance
Los Angeles Style

Two levels
6 weeks of salsa

Level I: Fridays, 6:30-7:45pm
Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, Apr 7, 14

Level II: Fridays, 7:45-9:00pm
Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, Apr 7, 14

At the UC aerobics room

$20 for CMU Grad Students
$25 for others

Linda Danza, professional instructor
No partner required
First come, first served

To sign up, contact
Please indicate:
- Level I or Level II
- Lead or follow
- CMU grad student or not
Only requests with complete information will be considered.

SPONSORED BY THE GSA - The Graduate Student's Association.

Limited space, sign up now! :-)

Note: Level II class is for people who have previously completed a Level
I class, or are comfortable and solid doing a cross-body lead.

======================================================================Here are some
further details for you:

DO YOU LEAD OR FOLLOW? Please help me get this right! Send me an email
BEFORE the first class telling me your gender -- I try to guess based on
your name, but it is embarassing when I guess wrong. (I am assuming
that men will be leading and women will be following -- please tell me
if otherwise.) Also, please let me know if you are interested in the
Level 1 or the Level 2 Salsa Dance Class, and whether you are a graduate

LIMITED SPACE: Each class is limited to 17 couples. I am creating a
list of people who ask to sign up in the order I receive requests. By
requests I mean the emails you have sent me to ask for a spot. However,
your position is not guaranteed until we receive payment. If you haven't
paid until Thus afternoon, your position may be given to the next person
in line.

PAYMENT: You can pay either by cash or by cheque (preferred) made out to
"Linda Danza Atkins". If you are a CMU grad student, bring your student
ID when you pay to prove it for your $5 discount (thanks to GSA). The
cost is $20 for CMU grad students with a valid student ID, and $25 for
others. If you sign up for both level I and level II classes, you will
be charged for both of them. Please note that there will be NO REFUNDS.

SIGNING UP: There has been an overwhelming amount of interest for this
class. To avoid frustration and long lines at the first class, we ask
people who get a spot to pay by leaving a cheque in my mailbox (Nikos
Hardavellas, Wean Hall 4212). Your last chance to leave the check would
be Thus, Mar 2, at 5pm. Please, do NOT slip checks under the mailroom
door, or hand them to staff. Just enter the mailroom during normal
operational hours, find the mailbox, and deposit the check.

If there are spots left, we'll call people in the waiting list to come
30 minutes earlier than the first class. We will be seating outside the
UC aerobics room, 30 minutes before the start of the first class, and go
through the list from top to bottom, and if you are there when we call
your name you can pay and sign up. We will stop reading names when the
class is full. We will repeat this exercise for the Level II class.
PLEASE be on time -- if you are late, then the class may fill up before
you arrive...

(NOTE: usually there is plenty of space in the Level II class. Tell your

If you decide not to join the class but have requested a spot, I would
appreciate it if you could email us and let us know...

=======================================================================Salsa Class FAQ:

1. Do I need to bring a partner? No, you will be rotating partners in
the class.

2. How do I sign up? Send email to to reserve a spot
in line. If you get a spot in the class, you can pay by depositing a
check in my mailbox (Nikos Hardavellas, Wean Hall 4212). If we don't
receive your check by Thu, Mar 2 at 5pm, your spot is no longer
guaranteed and it may go to the next person in line.

3. Is this class good for beginners? YES! The Level I class is aimed
at beginners.

4. Am I good enough for Level II? If you have taken Linda's Level I
class, then yes, you are. :-) If you have taken lessons elsewhere, and
are comfortable and solid doing a cross-body lead, then you probably
will fit in as well.

5. Do I have to attend all the classes, or can I miss some and still
keep up? You are better off if you can commit to attend all of the
classes -- each class will be building on the material learned at the
previous one. It is also a good idea to try and practice some in
between classes if you can, such as by going out dancing at a club...
:-) (We can tell you fun places to go dancing to try out your new

6. Is the price per lesson, or the entire 6 weeks? It is for the
entire 6 weeks.

7. How do I pay? Either cash, or a check (preferred) made out to
"Linda Danza Atkins" is acceptable. If you are a CMU grad student,
bring your student ID to prove it for your $5 discount.

8. What do I bring to class? Wear comfortable clothes (dancing is
exercise, and if you wear jeans you may be too warm), and comfortable
shoes. Shoes with a slippery sole (such as a leather sole or a hard
plastic sole) are preferred to sneakers, since you will be learning how
to spin.

9. What is LA style? It means that the class is taught on the first
beat. This is in contrast to the NY style, which is on the second beat

10. Can I switch classes after we start? If you find level I too easy
or level II too difficult, you can switch classes provided that there is
space in the other class, and the lead-follow ratio is not too uneven.

======================================================================See you in class!

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