Thursday, June 24, 2004

Lovely lines...from in law of a colleague here...

This Valentine season
wake up a little early
get yourself a cup of coffee
clean the kitchen before you leave
smile and wink at your image in the mirror
turn all the lights off
open the door and step out
keep walking
past the avenue
past the wooden gate
by the edge of the footpath there is a place where you can stand
go stand there
sip your coffee
wait for people to emerge
keep smiling
keep sipping your coffee
soon there will be buses on the road, packed with people
and there will be pedestrians and cows
stray dogs, traffic cops, pickpockets and school kids
beggars, businessmen, assassins, mad people, teachers, vendors
queues, jugglers, victims, human bombs, doctors, patients
politicians, priests, godmen, slaves
mentally disabled, physically disabled, kidnappers, poachers
hackers, creators, devotees, models, stars
lovers, fugitives, militants, freedom fighters
rich, poor, shoplifters, drug addicts
mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives
watch them all
with a smile on your face
look into their eyes
greet them
fall in love with them
there is so much to fall in love with
so little time
and it's just the beginning


I have said it all
I have nothing more to say
you can go and start religions
conquer lands and kings
write books that will rule minds
I can crush it all down to just one thing

- Love -

that's it
that's all
I have nothing more to say


(One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste. - Goethe)

If there aren't any children,

who will fall in love with a green bug hiding behind a blade of grass?
who will find a place bigger than the whole world under the coffee table?
who will discover all the happiness on earth packed inside a candy heart?
who will be seen running after a dragonfly, the way we run after money and buses?
who will see dreams of kites and lush green lands and new school shoes and big bicycles?
there is only one world
and that belongs to children
that's their playground
you and me and billions like us can never snatch it away from them
let's leave


One by one
She took all her clothes off
And went to bed
Wearing me

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