Tuesday, June 29, 2004

it is the perfect example of life itself....

one moment u r having ur lunch with a ceo of corporate india, things which people aspire for thru their lives, names, people, and you grilling the person across the table as if u had all the world of knowledge to be there asking him those questions...

next moment u r out of his palace, read corporate head quarters, and then life is the same old bus ride.

i think journalists need a huge amount of level headedness to survive and excel.

and in the end its not the name or the byline which counts to him its the honesty to his new ideas and thoughts and how he justifies the service he has taken on to himself, that of writing and recreating imaginary worlds to the readers who read his stories.

learnings from yday night. not verified but worth uploading.

a. the only form of woman which needs to be worshipped is that of the mother. as long as a woman is not a mother she understands just one fact. exploit men. and men if they knew that would allow themselves to be exploited.

b. there are two approaches to this. one to stay alert and agile and vindictive and give back everybody exactly what they deserve. second, create an inner domain, a strong only perhaps known to you within, which u will never allow to get hurt exploited. rest all will just be just that...

finally, take everything as just another thing another acquaintaince. live in the real life, not expecting anything else out of life but the next moment. be flexible and adaptive but in case ur moulding urself let that be known to the world why it is so. that moulding might be painful, u might have never wanted it, but if they wanted u to, u might as well, sharing with the pain in the process.

end of matter is it!!!!! guess no, since i am not convinced whatever i talked above is me talking all this.

more later..


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