Tuesday, July 06, 2004

A friend who was always a friend much before we ever met i suppose...

wrote to me the following lines..its ethereal stuff, worth reading again n again...
i love u dear..

there shud b no sorry betwn frnds. i used to believe the same about
thanks but have relaxed my view a bit. and frienship is not about
setting alarm for bdays. that is only a way of expressing. the real
thing is much deeper. much more robust.

dont be so stressed. try to relax. sleep 14hrs a day and jerk off (WHAT ON EARTH DOES HE MEAN BY THAT hahahaha,) at least 3 times.. try to implement (put into practice) the knowledge u
have gathered from books about greatness.. there need not be any set

just be aware when u r deviating from that.. words are good
things.. but they loose their meaning when u cant attach them to
something. this took me a long time to understand. in fact a word has
infinite meanings.. wisdom is feeling as many of them as you can.

u write so many good words in ur articles or otherwise. have u ever
wondered why is the same thing said in good words more appreciated than
in common language ?? it is bcos if u dont use a word very often, and
when u read it somewhere, u tend rediscover its meaning from the very
depths of ur conciousness. and its that feeling that creates value..

people say words like 'sorry' 'please' 'thanks' so many times, that they
overlook what they have just said. i bet no man will be able to count
how many time he has used the word 'thanks' in the last 1 hr.. yet the
same man will remember how many times he has said 'i am indebted' in the
last month or so.

the same thing happens with 'be happy' 'forgive and forget' etc. ppl
know it all. but they just wont do it. and after a while they even loose
touch with the feeling that they actually are not doing things that
would make them and others happy.. our conciousness has reached such a
gross level that we forget that we r wet in the rain and we start doing
our job. when we catch a cold next, we remember that 'oh! i got drenched
yesterday' ..

another effect i have seen is that every man is more keen on saying than
listening these days. things like 'u listen to me first' are so common.
where is all this aggressiveness taking us.

cool off and take a look arround u. then have a look at you. and finally u will be in a position to look inside urself. and if the scriptures are
true, that is not boring or limited..
that is much more vast than the world around us..

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