Friday, February 24, 2006

..Walking with You the setting Sun...

No, i dont remember anymore
No, i dont remember anymore
I row and row my boat,
singing the songs of the river
No, i dont remember anymore

I used to row with my youth
Singing songs as i sat on the banks
So much music, full of joy and sadness
Floating all around
Today, No, i dont remember anymore

So many years have passed
this all, with strength of my hands, My oars,
dont listen to them old anymore,
No, i dont remember anymore,
And I row and row my boat,
singing the songs of the river..
But no, i dont remember anymore...

Walking in the sun with a beautiful lady could be the most refreshing of experiences. Whichever way life goes, that is the truth, always, forever.

She was beautiful today, curly tresses flowing, her goggles tucked up, excited about life, talking to me about her years, from almost a decade back.

I did feel like touching her, her fingers, or her hair, and rearranging them, a little, when she almost seemed to well out pearls of tears from the depths of her immense pain.

Or just stand behind her, gently holding my hand around hers, when in her black coat, she stood shivering in the little cold, that the setting sun and the darkening evening ushered on us.. we kept standing, waiting for the traffic signal to allow our ways.

Walking in the sun, with a beautiful lady, immensely radiant in her soul, and her stories, and her walks, and her chirps, could be but no one's but god's gift to you...the most refreshing of experiences.

This an ode to that walk, though tomorrow i might no longer remember you, or this walk with you in the setting sun, still walking in the setting sun, with you, signora was one of the most beautiful experiences.

~May god bless your beauty, lady!

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