Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Time's..Surreptitious Snowing..

" Physics taught me that time held you captive, but it also made you free."

~Jayanta Mahapatra at an interview in Hindu read over the weekend.

i am still trying to understand the real import of those words. we live in a 3 dimension world. x y z but what about time, and our incessant efforts to capture the 't' element of life..what a travesty we make thus, of our lives, trying to understand 't'...for as perhaps Mahapatra is so right, once u understand 't' - time, and bow in deference to the endowments it gives us all, the capturing with its 'here and now' and the setting free with its 'past and future' -- u will have moved into a next level of realisation, i suppose.

it snowed surreptitiously today early morning. people who are locals here would perhaps laugh reading this i guess, but i cannot not believe my eyes. it did, the very quick, the most initial, of winter snows. the soft, illusory morning flakes falling for a minute or two, and u look at them, and wonder, how many around u share that same experience. that of time's surreptitious snowing!!

its getting colder here, and colder still it shall grow, i am being told. the skies are all clad in clouds, people, along with me are thirsting for some sunshine, but ever increasingly so, in the next few months, the sunnier days of life will become rarer.

i still remember the first winters in roorkee, it was cold there too, by indian standards, there was a bonfire, and how people celebrated their first winters out of home, in their undergraduation, amidst college bonfires, with a newfound sense of being set free from the strictures of home...

yet so far into their lives, the same people, in their careers aspire to settle down finally...it is as if the forests were enough, now i need a shelter..kind of an admission..

for me, i still love being a traveller in a forest... and as i attempt to understand more of time...and make merry here with surreptitious snowing...heres some Lorca to end with...

"The reaper is reaping the wheat
From my balcony i feel it.
If i die, leave the balcony open."

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