Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The advent of a Television.

Consider yourself part of a family. Which occupies roughly 10-12 hours of your day each day in the year. Which makes up for a huge part of your associations around the life that you lead. Which gives the requisite branding for finding the ideal bride in life!

Such is the family of my workplace - ETIG -- let me not enunciate what the acronym stand for but come straight to the three worder - which perhaps sums up its ethos - that of 'trends analysis and foresight'.

I am nobody to take a call on what trends my workplace catches for the newspaper for which it is the research house. I am nobody also to comment on the robustness or newness of the analysis that ETIG does and neither am i anybody to comment on the foresight of people who make up ETIG - in colloquial english - my colleagues who come and go and some of them have parked themselves here - it seems for an eternity.

ETIG does offer some lovely safety and security in this big bad world.

But today i am writing not about anything else but the Advent of a Television. That in ETIG's quarters.

My previous mates who have all now left used to debate that perhaps we should have a TV around us. Like say other sections within the newspaper has. They were more boisterous, a more lively gang of people, ready to take on life in its spirit. Perhaps they never needed a TV to pep themselves up.

So hypothesis and analysis no 1. Kudos to the management for understanding the fibre of people and getting the TV at the right time.

Beyond that a TV also might have future ramifications. My current roommate who works with one of the world's foremost banks, says they too have a TV. The job of that box, idiot or otherwise i am staying silent on, is to entertain them with business news, and snippets of things (read cricket in India) happening around the world, live, deferred live, or scheduled to happen in future.

So in effect a TV is meant for them to forget the fact that their job means data entry which sometimes bugs them on a sunday, but never can, in the presence of the TV during weekdays. After all they might have a Tendulkar sixer to entertain them as their fingers constantly work on the keyboard to enter a huge array of numbers.

Hypothesis No 2 - Hence perhaps ETIG is moving to that domain, of being a bank's research house kind of an entity, maintaining huge loads of data. I dont know if i am fit for this kind of a movement, working in that kind of a setting. All that i can say is that for life i shall be scary of excel sheets. And perhaps hence, thank god, the TV comes, ETIG moves to that direction, and i move on with life too.

Finally, a TV also means the prestige of the section getting some sort of an elevation. Perhaps my mates, previous ones, no one around these days, would have loved this kind of an elevation, which i am not sure if it is more real or more comic, or more just for showing's sake. Whatever, good for ETIG the place to which i have developed some kind of an emotional bonding.

Now this writing is getting drab i know, and i must move on beyond hypotheses.

Here i dont have anything to say. Much. The only known addiction to a TV is the one i remember having with my sister long time back. When i was in school perhaps, we two used to crounge together in front of the box at around 10 in the night -- much to the consternation of my parents. And there the favourite series of ours used to come - 'The Truth Lies Out There' -- X Files...

Does the Truth lie out there, or in the TV set which glued us in during those formative ages?

Is there any truth at large in this world?

What is truth, is there a personal truth or an universal truth?

How is veracity/falseity different from similar to reality/perception?

That is what the advent of the Television brings me an end to. Questions for life perhaps. To which there is, i know, no definite, no obvious answer....



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