Sunday, October 22, 2006

? Who am I ?

Who am I?

In many ways,
you are like her,
coming with your ideas to me,
a flash flood not known in the seasons,
of lost love
and broken faiths

In many ways she was like you,
picking the phone up,
talking a little,
then rushing off, with excuses,
money or work, whichever you want,

In many ways,
you are like her
calling me by the same name,
with which mother ushered me into this world,
a baby long back, now a aged bumpkin,

In many ways,
you and she,
and she and you,
are like all of you,
who walk into my life,
own me, despair owning me,
leave, leaving me wiser, whimpering,

that you are not she,
and she,
if alive and listening,
is or was not you,

how about me then,
who am I?

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