Tuesday, March 22, 2005


That is a name which has carved magic in my life. Three women i know have had the same name. Sometimes accidentally given. Sometimes actually and at other times given to women as the muse of my closest friends.

She did tell me once that her maa and baba had given her that name. Just hanging there in between a short and long name. Smelling of sweetness and intoxication. Just like her hair perhaps which went dishevelled after a rather hectic day. Moitrayee for her stood for a name which she had given up for a shorter -- not personally likeable version by me. What kind of a name was the next one i wondered replacing such a exquisitely carved out name for a girl child? I wondered then..i wonder still now.

And she...she i exchanged a glance long back and i dont know what struck. Maybe thats what they call eyes meeting eyes and luckily allowing no constraints of the world to come in between that meeting. We used to write and fight to each other and she used to talk about her loves gone by and me mine too, i just pray she is happy some day with the person she loves or would like loving. As for whether she will ever come back to me, talk to me, as i sit on the beaches on a dark night, singing a robindroshongeet. Well i dont expect..i shouldnt expect...for after all isnt that what the reader's digest epithet goes 'life is like that'.:)

Moitrayee -- Aaj Jyostna Raat e shobai geche bone..what a song by tagore, kobiguru in my mother tongue, robindranath tagore to the world...that was the song my friend's maa and bon were singing, she herself singing a Bihu song to make my closest of friend fall in love with her...that in a jungle of Assam on a fullmoon night. She has vanished and he has moved on in life, refuted by the woman she fell for completely in reality, and then accepted by the childhood friend of his...Yet he persists with the same password on his computer...Moitreyee..this time with an e...an E for the virtual love or perhaps the real love that one gives away while life takes its one carved out courses.

that is all that i can write now about the moitrayees i know in life now..may u all be happy and peaceful with ur lives wherever u r!



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