Tuesday, March 29, 2005

There is Just One Word - One Action -- that i need now.

A rip van winkle sleep. To refresh me of my pasts, to forgive myself and others of doings wrong and right, to be ashamed of myself for my impurities of mind, thoughts, action, and make amends for it by starting again on a pure life. To start again, stooping, rising up, like the ragpicker to dream about life...not with the eyes of children, the people around, or elders..bt that of a sage in marvel and meditation of life.

I need to be love and cherish peace - foregoing violence.
I need to relax.
I need to go back to my college first years in roorkee and the me of myself then!

Yes its about time i wrote something. But before that heres to the Ragpicker's dreams...Mr Knopfler i bow before u.


---When Jack Frost came for Christmas
With a brass monkey date
The rail-king and the scarecrow
Hopped a Florida freight
And they blew on their paper cups
And stared through the steam
Then they drank half a bottle
Of Ragpicker's Dream where

The whiskey keeps following
Cold pitchers of beer
Me and my associate
Like the clientele here get
The onions and the 'taters
Rib-eyes on the grill
Toothpicks and luckies
And a coffee refill as

The rail-king lay rocking
He was leaving the ground
Then he was flying like Santa Claus
Over the town where
He came to the window
Of a house by a stream
It was a family Christmas
In the Ragpicker's Dream there

Were kids at the table
All aglow in the light
Music in the wintertime
Sure carries at night there
Was turkey and gravy
Pie and ice cream
And gifts for each and everyone
In the Ragpicker's Dream where

The red-eye keeps tumbling
In our glasses of beer
Me and my associate
Like the service in here there's
A ten for your trouble
You have beautiful hair
Make the last one two doubles
It's a cold one out there where

The scarecrow and the rail-king
Have started to dance
But a nightstick and a billyclub
Won't give peace a chance here
I think they went thataways
Your song and dance team
Heading home for the holidays
With the Ragpicker's Dream on

His knees like a fighter
The rail-riding king
Like a sack of potatoes
Like a bull in the ring where
The scarecrow falls over
With a tear in the seam
Home for the rover
In the Ragpicker's Dream where

The red-eye keeps tumbling
Like tears in our beer
Me and my associate
Like the ambience here where
They cornered two castaways
In a white flashlight beam
Merry Christmas and happy days
In the Ragpicker's Dream

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


That is a name which has carved magic in my life. Three women i know have had the same name. Sometimes accidentally given. Sometimes actually and at other times given to women as the muse of my closest friends.

She did tell me once that her maa and baba had given her that name. Just hanging there in between a short and long name. Smelling of sweetness and intoxication. Just like her hair perhaps which went dishevelled after a rather hectic day. Moitrayee for her stood for a name which she had given up for a shorter -- not personally likeable version by me. What kind of a name was the next one i wondered replacing such a exquisitely carved out name for a girl child? I wondered then..i wonder still now.

And she...she i exchanged a glance long back and i dont know what struck. Maybe thats what they call eyes meeting eyes and luckily allowing no constraints of the world to come in between that meeting. We used to write and fight to each other and she used to talk about her loves gone by and me mine too, i just pray she is happy some day with the person she loves or would like loving. As for whether she will ever come back to me, talk to me, as i sit on the beaches on a dark night, singing a robindroshongeet. Well i dont expect..i shouldnt expect...for after all isnt that what the reader's digest epithet goes 'life is like that'.:)

Moitrayee -- Aaj Jyostna Raat e shobai geche bone..what a song by tagore, kobiguru in my mother tongue, robindranath tagore to the world...that was the song my friend's maa and bon were singing, she herself singing a Bihu song to make my closest of friend fall in love with her...that in a jungle of Assam on a fullmoon night. She has vanished and he has moved on in life, refuted by the woman she fell for completely in reality, and then accepted by the childhood friend of his...Yet he persists with the same password on his computer...Moitreyee..this time with an e...an E for the virtual love or perhaps the real love that one gives away while life takes its one carved out courses.

that is all that i can write now about the moitrayees i know in life now..may u all be happy and peaceful with ur lives wherever u r!



Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Happy Birthday -- to the one -- I know -- as you walk.

Its crazy. That i still have forgiven you. And wish you had been around or that i could have sent you a birthday wish. Never mind...Happy Birthday dear, heres a poem to your name by Herman Hesse.

I know you Walk---

I walk so often, late, along the streets,
Lower my gaze, and hurry, full of dread,
Suddenly, silently, you still might rise
And I would have to gaze on all your grief
With my own eyes,
While you demand your happiness, that's dead.
I know, you walk beyond me, every night,
With a coy footfall, in a wretched dress
And walk for money, looking miserable!
Your shoes gather God knows what ugly mess,
The wind plays in your hair with lewd delight---
You walk, and walk, and find no home at all.

~Herman Hesse

Saturday, March 12, 2005

the sky is indeed a hazy shade of winter !!!!

Time, time, time
See what's become of me
While I looked around
For my possibilities
I was so hard to please
But look around
Leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

Hear the Salvation Army band
Down by the riverside
It's bound to be a better ride
Than what you've got planned
Carry your cup in your hand
And look around
Leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

Hang onto your hopes, my friend
That's an easy thing to say
But if your hopes should pass away
Simply pretend
That you can build them again
Look around
The grass is high
The fields are ripe
It's the springtime of my life

Seasons change with the scenery
Weaving time in a tapestry
Won't you stop and remember me
At any conveient time?
Funny how my memory skips
While looking over manuscripts
Of unpublished rhyme
Drinking my vodka and lime
I look around
Leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

Look around
Leaves are brown
There's a patch of snow on the ground

Friday, March 04, 2005

"Some moments for eternity"

When all that i have is cherished memories..here are a few jottings of situations from the past.

 Her face looking up, spectacles on, as If at me in the photograph – I wish I had not torn and thrown it off.
 Her bubbling n jumping down the stairs and coming and shelling across a sweet ‘hi’.
 Like a bolt she coming and embracing me.
 I sit at the sea shore and run my fingers through her hair – she’s just silent leaning on my shoulders – and making that soft whimpering sound a little baby makes just born.
 She calling me paagla Shakespeare or me calling her mimosa pudica.
 Waiting for the train in the station – she stands forlorn in the ocean of humanity – sees me, clasps her lips and gives that sweetest smile of a millennium.
 Or she demanding to know ‘where am I’ when I am not around her.
 I see her curled up hair – fight with her hands and she slowly budges in – we don’t finally melt though
 Yep, she’s married, I pray she is happy, and I, still single, happy as well

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

PC and Tiruvalluvar....

Our finance minister seems to be a keen follower of Saint Tiruvalluvar in his budget speeches. I am a keen follower of Pc. and Thus Saint Tiruvalluvar was the subject of my net research. here is the ancient poet on the Characteristics of a Good Wife.

The Good Wife

Verse 51
She is the helpful wife who possesses the fullness of
Household culture and spends within her husband's means.

Verse 52
The fullest family life remains empty
If the wife lacks the lofty culture of the home.

Verse 53
What does a man lack if his wife is worthy?
And what does he possess if she is lacking worth?

Verse 54
What is more majestic than a women
Who preserves the prodigious strength of chastity?

Verse 55
Even the rains will fall at her command
Who upon rising worships not God, but her husband.

Verse 56
A woman is one who vigilantly guards herself,
Cares for her husband and protects their unblemished reputation.

Verse 57
Why do guardians protect women by confinement?
Her own resolute chastity is a women's paramount protection.

Verse 58
A women deeply devoted to the man who wed her
Will be worthy of great rewards in the world where Gods delight

Verse 59
Unless the wife pursues praiseworthy purity,
The husband cannot prance like a proud lion before his critics.

Verse 60
A worthy wife is the blessing of a home,
And good children are its precious ornament.

Finance Minister's fascination with Saint Tiruvalluvar

In his budget speech endings led me to do some net research on the saint. This is what i got about the Saint writing on "The Good Wife"...well i dont know if all this is fair...bt for future reference let this be uploaded.
:)) laughing to myself...hahahahaha

The Good Wife

Verse 51

She is the helpful wife who possesses the fullness of
Household culture and spends within her husband's means.

Verse 52

The fullest family life remains empty
If the wife lacks the lofty culture of the home.

Verse 53

What does a man lack if his wife is worthy?
And what does he possess if she is lacking worth?

Verse 54

What is more majestic than a women
Who preserves the prodigious strength of chastity?

Verse 55

Even the rains will fall at her command
Who upon rising worships not God, but her husband.

Verse 56

A woman is one who vigilantly guards herself,
Cares for her husband and protects their unblemished reputation.

Verse 57

Why do guardians protect women by confinement?
Her own resolute chastity is a women's paramount protection.

Verse 58

A women deeply devoted to the man who wed her
Will be worthy of great rewards in the world where Gods delight

Verse 59

Unless the wife pursues praiseworthy purity,
The husband cannot prance like a proud lion before his critics.

Verse 60

A worthy wife is the blessing of a home,
And good children are its precious ornament.


A poem by the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges.

If I could live again my life,
In the next - I'll try,
- to make more mistakes,
I won't try to be so perfect,
I'll be more relaxed,
I'll be more full - than I am now,
In fact, I'll take fewer things seriously,
I'll be less hygenic,
I'll take more risks,
I'll take more trips,
I'll watch more sunsets,
I'll climb more mountains,
I'll swim more rivers,
I'll go to more places - I've never been,
I'll eat more ice creams and less (lime) beans,
I'll have more real problems - and less imaginary
I was one of those people who live
prudent and prolific lives -
each minute of his life,
Offcourse that I had moments of joy - but,
if I could go back I'll try to have only good moments,

If you don't know - thats what life is made of,
Don't lose the now!

I was one of those who never goes anywhere
without a thermometer,
without a hot-water bottle,
and without an umberella and without a parachute,

If I could live again - I will travel light,
If I could live again - I'll try to work bare feet
at the beginning of spring till
the end of autumn,
I'll ride more carts,
I'll watch more sunrises and play with more children,
If I have the life to live - but now I am 85,
- and I know that I am dying ...