Most times,
when i travel miles,
across the skies and oceans,
reaching you and your gentle hand,
I can sense your numbness.
I move my fingers slowly
on your sleeping ones
i wide awake in the sun of the day,
you in your dreams of the night
And you turn around just a bit.
Slowly, i caress your hair
move the sheet up, to cover
your sensitive soul
and give you a kiss on the forehead.
I walk out then for a cigarette.
It is sunny here,
people soaking in daytime activites,
me and my cigarette sees them
and smiles in trifle sadness
You get up,
something told your dreamy self
that i must be out, on the terrace
or on the streets, smoking,
And you come and embrace me,
I hold you tight,
I stand still,
i sense my numbness as you get alive
and i ask my stupid self,
Why, WHY do i smoke a cigarette?
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