Monday, November 13, 2006

~ 2 Himself ~


Now you will rest forever,
My tired heart. The fabulous deceit
That i myself believed eternal has ended.
Ended. How sharply i feel,
In we of the dear deceit,
There is no hope, desire being spent.
Rest forever. So many
palpitations. Your flutterings
Serve no one, nor do you dignify the earth
with your sighs. Life is bitter and empty,
nothing more. The world is a slough.
Calm yourself now. Despair.
For the last time. Fate gave your kind
no gift but death. At last
nature disdains you, the brute
power that, lurking, imposes the common day,
and the infinite variety of things.

~by Giacomo Leopardi from the Italian version, and yet the tears dont stop reading these lines, knowing these lines, living these lines....

Monday, November 06, 2006

~ You and my cigarette ~

Most times,
when i travel miles,
across the skies and oceans,
reaching you and your gentle hand,

I can sense your numbness.

I move my fingers slowly
on your sleeping ones
i wide awake in the sun of the day,
you in your dreams of the night

And you turn around just a bit.

Slowly, i caress your hair
move the sheet up, to cover
your sensitive soul
and give you a kiss on the forehead.

I walk out then for a cigarette.

It is sunny here,
people soaking in daytime activites,
me and my cigarette sees them
and smiles in trifle sadness

You get up,
something told your dreamy self
that i must be out, on the terrace
or on the streets, smoking,

And you come and embrace me,

I hold you tight,
I stand still,
i sense my numbness as you get alive
and i ask my stupid self,
Why, WHY do i smoke a cigarette?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

~ to Love ~

'To Love'


I didnt ask you to stay
but you stayed
I never asked you who you were
Or what you wanted.
You were simply there.
What do you want from me, love?
Was i not stronger alone?
And did i ever need you?
But stay a bit longer.
Not long,
Just until they stop asking
how i am,
And i stop saying, 'Fine'
Everyone can tell at a glance:
You are here.
If you ever leave me,
i will go with you.


~ from 'Love in thoughts' extract 3.

~ at the zenith ~

Maybe its true
that people are only truly happy, just once in their lives,
just once, And then they are punished for it for the rest of their lives,
The punishment is that they can never forget that one moment.
I think its say goodbye at the right time. Namely when you'are the happiest.
Precisely then, At the zenith.

-- From 'Love in thoughts' extract 2.

'love in thoughts'


Dear Universe,

When we have ceased to exist,
we dont want anyone to miss us,
or shed even a single tear for us.
If anyone wants to keep us
in his memory, let him do so in joy.
For you see,
we did the only right thing,
we lived.


from the movie, Love in Thoughts, extract 1.